How to Maintain Your Bricks

How to Maintain Your Bricks

Brick are everywhere you look in Toronto. In fact, brick has been among the most popular building materials in Ontario for several hundred years. Why? Brick offers a number of advantages, among them, its beauty and durability. Brick is not only practical, but sustainable, and offers a weatherproof, energy efficient option for homes and businesses. Even so, brick does require maintenance to preserve its advantages and longevity as an investment. 

The Facts about Bricks

Bricks come in a variety of shapes, colors, textures, and styles, each unique in its own way. Bricks are available in different sizes, the most common being standard, but also jumbo, Roman, and economy, just to name a few. Older properties built with brick, which has been maintained and cared for properly can actually outlast newer brick options. Today’s modern brick buildings are often designed with a brick veneer, a single brick thick, anchored to a backup wall made of steel studs and gypsum or concrete, unlike earlier historic buildings which have thick brick walls made from one to two feet of layered bricks.

Brick Maintenance

Even though bricks are among the most resilient building materials available, they are not completely maintenance-free. In fact, water damage can occur over time, a result of weather and the elements, which causes the mortar to deteriorate. When this occurs repointing, a process which removes crumbling, eroded, or damaged mortar and replaces it with new mortar, is required to restore the mortar joints. In addition to water damage, moss, mildew, and mold can cause problems for your brick. Removing them quickly and effectively with the proper methods will prevent further damage to your bricks.

Weathering can also result in spalling bricks. The first sign of spalling is a color change from red to orange and is followed by flaking as the bricks absorb moisture. Bricks in the spalling stage need high quality repairs quickly, which can mean replacement.

In general, unsealed bricks can absorb water. Waterproofing and sealing bricks can help prevent water absorption and subsequent damage. Before sealants or waterproofing coatings are applied, bricks must be thoroughly cleaned to achieve optimal effectiveness. An often-overlooked solution to water damaged bricks is capping the roof line and deflecting water away from the bricks.

If you believe your bricks are water damaged or may need sealing to prevent water damage in the future, call on the professionals at Turnbull Masonry to guide you in the best options for your bricks whether repairing, restoring, or sealing as not all bricks are the same.

In older buildings, maintenance is key to preventing water damage, the problem is many people wait until they see water damage inside their property to take action. As with most building maintenance issues, proper care and acting on the issues in the early stages can prevent extensive repair costs later in the future.

Do You Need Assistance Maintaining Your Bricks?

When you need assistance with your brick, whether at your home or business, you need to choose a masonry company with the experience, as well as the proper licensing, insurance, and credentials. It is also important to ask for references before choosing a contractor to perform your brick work regardless of how large or small your project may seem.  Brick work is challenging, but when done correctly, caring for your bricks only increases the value of your property and keeps your bricks in excellent condition for many years. Turnbull Masonry is the expert team in Toronto you can trust to get the job done right every time. For more information on quality masonry repair and restoration for your property, call the Turnbull team today.