The Importance of Cleaning Your Chimney During Summer

The Importance of Cleaning Your Chimney During Summer

Winter is the perfect time in Toronto to enjoy your cozy fireplace at home. When it comes to the summer months, many people often forget about their fireplaces, let alone the maintenance required to keep them operating safely and efficiently. That is, until an excess of heat inside the chimney begins to create an unusual odor throughout the entire home. With that being said, it is important to remember to schedule chimney maintenance and cleaning during the summer months. Below is a list of the top 5 reasons you should be considering professional, expert maintenance for your home’s chimney.

Identify Complications

Professionals are able to identify problems which could lead to further complications if there are any, especially those less obvious to the average homeowner. More often than not, during their inspection, chimney professionals are able to identify other problems that the average homeowner may miss when it comes to your chimney – such as debris as well as any type of blockage your chimney may have developed. An extreme case would be the possibility that your chimney could release deadly carbon monoxide, which can eventually lead to carbon monoxide poisoning and even death.

Help Prevent Chimney Fires

If you are keeping your chimney maintenance up to date, you will be more likely to prevent any case of buildups that can lead to chimney fires. A clean chimney also allows any dangerous fumes to freely escape your home. Another important factor some chimney owners often forget about is the buildup of creosote. When creosote appears, it means there is not enough ventilation within your chimney. This black, sticky residue is highly flammable, which makes it one of the main causes of chimney fires in the winter. Lastly, chimney fires can also start due to any dry leaves, twigs, or even bird nests. It is easy to forget about the fact that birds love building nests in chimneys and because of this people will often light their chimneys and start a fire.

More Effective Heating System

Another important factor in having a clean chimney during winter is the fact that you will have better ventilation; and with better ventilation, you will need less fuel to light a safe, warm fire in your chimney. There is also often a buildup of soot in many chimneys and this needs to be taken care of regularly as the accumulation of soot can also eventually damage your furniture, leaving it with a dark layer of soot that will be almost impossible to remove.

Contact A Professional

If you decide on waiting too long to contact a professional to help clean out your chimney, you may find yourself running out of options during the summer months. Many chimney professionals are often fully booked during the spring and summer months in order to ensure homeowners will be able to safely use their chimneys by the time winter rolls around. For this reason, to ensure you can also have your fireplace ready to burn, contact the local professionals here at Turnbull Masonry.

Peace of Mind

Now that you know everything is taken care of, you can relax and have peace of mind knowing your chimney is well maintained as well as safe and ready to use during those cold winter months ahead in Toronto. You also have a better understanding of why it is crucial to clean your chimney this summer, so call on the professionals at Turnbull Masonry for help. For further information, visit Turnbull Masonry to learn more. You may contact us and get a free quote on our maintenance prices and more.